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Kernel Debugger issue...

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  • #76
    according to the help (runas /?) it states
    NOTE: Enter user's password only when prompted.

    so i guess you cant, without hacking something up.. most likely some security thing..
    my views are 100% personal views..


    • #77
      Yeah, looking around online indicated that they explicitly left that feature out to avoid people abusing it.


      • #78
        I found out what's wrong with this error "Windows 2000 with SPTD 1.37 or higher and need to deactivate Kernel Debugger" under Vista.
        The current package of 408 with SPTD 1.39 fails to load with this error. However, SPTD 1.39 is perfectly installed, which isnt the problem. After installing 408 of my previous package (With SPTD 1.38 or 1.37, not sure which one), it doesn't install SPTD ofcourse, since newer version is already installed, but it does install DT408 again. And yes, with this version of DT408, the program boots fine without the error message. Maybe the 408 in the updated package is rotten?
        CureROM Support Team


        • #79
          Originally Posted by Jito463 View Post
          Or you could change the startup line to the following.

          runas /user:<yourmachine>\Administrator "<path to daemon.exe>"
          Where <yourmachine> = your computer's name and <path to daemon.exe> = well, the path to daemon.exe. You should get a command window popup that asks for the Administrator password. Type it in, and you're good to go. I have yet to find a way to add the password into the runas command.
          If you use the switch /savecred you only have to enter the password once ( XP only ). Maybe thats an option. ( Afaik know the password is stored unencrypted )
          I also found this while searching, haven't tried it myself


          • #80
            You can use Sysinternals PsExec (included in Process Tools) instead of RunAs.

            The syntax would be

            psexec.exe -u Administrator -p Password -d "<path to daemon.exe>"

            An alternative option would be to use MakeMeAdmin.cmd , to temporarily elevate your account to the admin group. However you'll need to enter your password and the admin password manuall. But you could edit it and replace runas with psexec so there would be no need to type in the password.
            Yet another alternative would be to use SuDown. It works like MakeMeAdmin, but is far more easier to use. After install, right click on the setup/file and choose "SuDo".


            • #81
              I had this problem and I am using Vista 32 bit all I did was reinstall the application without doing anything else and it works .


              • #82
                Hi All! Had this problem too but reading this thread really helped so cheers all !!
                For those still with the debug deactivate error try this:
                Grab the SPTD_Deleter.exe from this Post
                you'll also need SubInACL.exe put in the folder of the SPTD Deleter. If you dont have it get it here
                Now reboot to safe mode and run the SPTD_Deleter.exe
                Once done reboot back to normal mode
                As the install never completed properly go to where you installed daemon tools and delete the folder and all content.
                rebooting now should give no errors so ya know it gone!!!!
                Now download the latest sptd drivers from here
                make sure you chose the right one 32bit / 64bit
                Install and follow what need to be done.
                Now install daemon Tools 4.08
                Hope this helps!! worked for me so thought Id pass it on as most of the help i got to get this far was from here


                • #83
                  Originally Posted by balabalatau View Post
                  when I try to turn on my daemon tool,it says that the program require at least window 2000 with SPTD 1.21 or higher and need to deactivate Kernel Debugger.
                  It's strange my daemon tool v4 was working until recently O_O?
                  im having the same problem,how do i fix it


                  • #84
                    Do you have the latest versions of SPTD (1.42) and Daemon Tools (4.08)?


                    • #85
                      You'd have thought the trouble this is causing that the latest versions of SPTD would have come as part of the install of Daemon Tools 4.08.

                      Does Daemon Tools 4.08 need SPTD 1.42 or is only a bug with certain hardware configuration??

                      The recent version of Alchole120% had the same effect before I managed to fix it. Yet it seem its not effecting all so I'd assume some are still running there's, either Daemon Tools or Alchole120% using the old SPTD drivers.


                      • #86
                        Not everyone has problems, for those that do there's updated copies of SPTD to try and resolve their issues. The next release will contain the most current SPTD available, as always.


                        • #87
                          Unfortunately i have downloaded latest 4.09 version and i am still seeing this issue.

                          Please note that i am using Windows 2003 Server, Visual Studio 2005 but i have disabled the kernel debugger from boot.ini with the /NODEBUG option and the JIT debugger just to make sure.

                          If i re-installed daemon tools then again it works until i reboot my system. Furthermore for some unknown reasons it breaks up other applications as soon as it breaks, like my Cute FTP 8 Pro. They are completely irrelevant but Cute FTP starts to fail when Daemon fails so i am assuming something is terribly going wrong.


                          • #88
                            When the sptd driver i loading i cannot cancel it .... ive tried many times pressing escape ... but it doesnt work ... help plz


                            • #89
                              Originally Posted by Bleak_Outlook View Post
                              right i just installed Daemon Tools and life was once again
                              all peachy and bright
                              but as things will, i rebooted and thats where things got dark
                              now i get

                              initialization error.
                              This program requires at least windows 2000 with sptd 1.24 or higher.
                              Kernal debugger must be deactivated

                              as im running XP im thinkin its gotta be my "kernal debugger"
                              ? where is this, how do i deactivate it or should i even try?
                              i also got the problem with it freezeing at the boot screen
                              and having to start with my last known good configuration
                              the thing is if things go wrong for me i normaly just delete the program
                              and pretend it never happend (it pretects my ego , i dont like feelin thick)
                              but when i try the uninstall it tells me
                              it doesnt reckonize wot its sposed to be doing and then just sits there mockin me
                              i could just delete the files but im sure that cant be healthy
                              anyway thanks for takin the time to read this
                              and if any of you are able to help
                              please do

                              you can get to the debugger by goin
                              -my computer
                              -C: drive

                              theres a (kernel32.dll) and a (krnl386)
                              from there i dont know what to do....


                              • #90
                                Odds are, if you don't know what a kernel debugger is, you don't have one installed.....

