If you have upgraded to winxp, chances are, d-tools gets fucked up by the wonderful winxp upgrade wizard :lol:

For most people, when you want to uninstall, repair, or upgrade, it asks for daemon.msi. This daemon.msi MUST be the version you had installed before upgrading.

You can check this version by:
  1. Running regedit
  2. Navigating to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\Installer\Prod ucts
  3. Click on each key (named something like 7E9AFBDC2BC401F4A9F1E88AFA350B7D);

    until you see Daemon Tools in the product name on the right
  4. Write down the number it says beside Version (should be like 0x031d0000)

You can then download the correct msi from HERE.

If you still need help, email one of the following people and request this version of daemon.msi:

When asked for daemon.msi, point it to the daemon.msi that you download/receive.