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support for UIF (Universal Image Format)

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  • #16
    The warez community gave DT life. Anyone who claims it is different is deluded.

    .UIF format would probably be desirable regardless of whether it is used for warez or not.

    It is a format that I have personally noticed is really gaining in popularity - and if current trends continue sooner or later it will be equally popular as .rar or .ISO.

    Who cares what it's used for. There are many legitimate uses - one of which being the claimed compression benefits over .iso (whether they are perceived or real). The point is that it is extremely popular. In the past, this used to be all it took for Daemon Tools to offer support.

    Ignoring this increasingly popular format almost makes it seem as though the pioneering spirit of DT (which I have used for more years than I can remember) is slipping.


    • #17
      Originally Posted by raid517 View Post
      The warez community gave DT life. Anyone who claims it is different is deluded.
      Yes, because the VAST MAJORITY of those who use Daemon Tools just have to be warez users. I'm certain a fair number of users did use DT for illicit purposes, but to claim that was the sole reason for it's popularity is a ridiculous and completely inarguable position to take. You have zero proof and no way TO prove it. Thus, to state it as fact is simply wrong. If you had stated that it was your OPINION, then it would be passable, even though I would disagree with it.

      Remember, only the Sith deal in absolutes.


      • #18
        Let's wait to see.

        It remmembers me Torrent - as a file share protocol many companies use the torrent as a way to distribute demos, betas, patches, etc; others uses it to spread ilegal copyright material.


        • #19
          The difference is that the official bittorrent website actually used to link to warez torrent sites. It intentionally promoted that use of the BT protocol. It wasn't until relatively recently - when the author of BT began to make deals with businesses to do legitimate sharing of files for profit - that the site was cleaned up and made into a legitimate online store. DTools - on the other hand - has never promoted piracy. What others chose to do with it is irrelevant.


          • #20
            If you have images is UIF format, why not simply use program that created them, if you like it so much? Frankly speakng, we do not care at all for about all these "over night" image formats
            created occasionally by different prorgrams, like UIF, DAA or whatever "smth..AA" or "smth..IF" you can imagine. We have nothing against their authors, but we simply do not NEED them.
            No new formats are planned currently.
            In our opinion there is ONE image format that covers all needed types of media - it is MDS. PERIOD.
            We support all other image formats only due to legacy or compatibility reasons and ONLY if we get permission by their authors. DAEMON Tools is not a program that boasts support of every possible image format, sorry...
            Why should we support every image format invented by any random 3rd party developer? Authors of these image formats are not related to DAEMON Tools in any way - they did not consult us when they invented their own formats and we also do not plan to spend our time to figure out how to support them: in our opinion all these formats are useless and supporting them is only waste of time. So if you like these formats then use programs that created them!

