I would like an option to set a custom label to the virtual drives. This can be done via the following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Exp lorer\DriveIcons\[DRIVELETTER]\DefaultLabel="Virtual DVD-Rom drive"
When a driveletter changes you need to change the [DRIVELETTER] key. Since daemon-tools would know at all times which driveletters are his virtual drives it would be handy if d-tools could manage this.
Thanks for reading and maybe implementing.
I would like an option to set a custom label to the virtual drives. This can be done via the following registry key:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Exp lorer\DriveIcons\[DRIVELETTER]\DefaultLabel="Virtual DVD-Rom drive"
When a driveletter changes you need to change the [DRIVELETTER] key. Since daemon-tools would know at all times which driveletters are his virtual drives it would be handy if d-tools could manage this.
Thanks for reading and maybe implementing.