it would be great if daemon tools could mount multipart non-compressed rars as isos, i rar a lot of big files (home movies and such) without compression if i have to share them with friends or family members because of the corruption that may or may not occure during transfer (and then i only have to retransfer the corrupted file, not the whole big file). and of course if i used compression it would just slow down the process of playing them and would even save space since videos don't really compress all that well...
so i would ask that you developers would add support for multipart rar files (uncompressed),
to my understanding this should be ~fairly simple as non-compressed rar files are almost like split files except for the rar headers for filenamelists and attributes and such.
and thank you for a great product
so i would ask that you developers would add support for multipart rar files (uncompressed),
to my understanding this should be ~fairly simple as non-compressed rar files are almost like split files except for the rar headers for filenamelists and attributes and such.
and thank you for a great product
