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Mount/Umount Context Menu Association without 3rd Party Tools

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  • Mount/Umount Context Menu Association without 3rd Party Tools

    The regestry script below will associate .cue, .iso, .mds and .nrg files with
    Deamon Tools allowing you to mount them with a single/double click. To unmount the image you have to right click the .cue, .iso, .mds or .nrg file and select Unmount.

    Feel free to modify the regestry file to your likings. Right now it also contains the shell command for burning the image with DVD Decrypted.

    Don't forget to edit the location to your Deamon Tools and/or DVD Decrypter to match your installation.

    To use the regestry script, cut and past the text between the Start and the End tags and copy it into a new text file. Save the file and rename the .txt
    extention to .reg. Then simply single/double click the file to merge it into the registry.

    Warning!! Using this registry script will overwrite any existing file associations for the above mentioned files.

    Any comments, questions? Please reply here.

    ====== Start Regestry File ========
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00




    @="C:\\WINDOWS\\notepad.exe %1"


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -mount 0,\"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"



    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.iso\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter]

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.iso\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter\Command]
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Programs\\Media\\Gordian Knot\\DVDDecrypter.exe\" /MODE ISOWRITE /SOURCE \"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -mount 0,\"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"



    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mds\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter]

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.mds\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter\Command]
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Programs\\Media\\Gordian Knot\\DVDDecrypter.exe\" /MODE ISOWRITE /SOURCE \"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -mount 0,\"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"



    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.nrg\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter]

    [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\.nrg\Shell\Burn using DVD Decrypter\Command]
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\Programs\\Media\\Gordian Knot\\DVDDecrypter.exe\" /MODE ISOWRITE /SOURCE \"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -mount 0,\"%1\""


    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"
    ====== End Regestry File ========

  • #2
    To Umount Directly from the Mounted Drive

    To be able to unmount the image by right clicking on the drive with the mounted image, add the following to the bottom of the regestry script

    ====== Start Regestry Script =============

    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\D-Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"
    ====== End Regestry Script =============


    • #3
      Hi to all,i'm new,but i've read you for a long time.
      Since DT4,awxDTools starts to change icons,impose to have only one icon for your images ecc... The way i hate free program that impose this things,i started to find out some solutions,and i've founded one:

      I've created (thanks to your posts) a way to mount-unmount from image file,and to Unmount from Virtual Drives,Here is the REG FILE:

      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
      @="\"C:\\Programmi\\DAEMON Tools\\daemon.exe\" -mount 0,\"%1\""
      @="\"C:\\Programmi\\DAEMON Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"
      @="\"C:\\Programmi\\DAEMON Tools\\daemon.exe\" -unmount 0"
      @="[ExploreFolder(\"%l\", %I, %S)]"
      @="[ViewFolder(\"%l\", %I, %S)]"
      I did only for mds,but the procedure is the same and simple. Only one thing i have to ask you:
      Shell integrations for drive,comes with all drives: A: c: e:
      but my only virtual drive is H:
      there's a way to use Shell only for it?
      With this file,you can do double click on your c: and dont get problems,Unmount is only a right click options!
      thanks to all


      • #4
        Didn't work

        I tried and nothing happened. I could see when right click on image files (mount and unmount) but when I click on that I get error msg
        Last edited by ballyhairs; 13.10.2006, 15:28.


        • #5
          You have to change the paths to wherever you installed Daemon Tools.


          • #6
            Tried both ways and end up with an error. Paths checked. Looking at Registry Editor, seems like the string content is empty. Tried to type it manually and end up with an Open With dialog when performing both Mount and Unmount operation. So I create my own steps which is far harder and longer but works for me. Anyone failed using the steps above may try this using NRG extension for example. Steps divided into 3 posts caused by the picture-per-post limitation.

            01. Open Control Panel - Folder Option
            02. Enter tab File Types

            03. Click New
            04. Enter the extension in the textbox (In this case, NRG) without the dot separator
            05. If a warning come up, answer with Yes

            06. Choose the extension you just created

            07. Click Advanced
            08. Click New
            09. In the "Action" text box, type Mount
            10. In the "Application used to perform action" text box, type "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%1" (The daemon.exe path should refer to your installation path)



            • #7
              Step 2

              11. Click OK
              12. Type the extension file name to your own preference. In the example I use Image - NRG
              13. Change the icon if necessary. You can use the Daemon icon by selecting Daemon.exe as the icon

              14. Open Registry Editor by clicking Start - Run and typing regedit
              15. Open a search box by typing Ctrl + F. Enter the extension file name (Look at step 12)
              16. Go to the key pane on the left by pressing Shift + Tab key. Press * to expand all sub-keys
              17. Go to the subkey labeled Shell. Create another subkey named Unmount (Placing it in the same level as the Mount key which should already be there)
              18. Create a subkey and name it command
              19. Edit the first string data content to "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -unmount 0

              The text in green should be revised to reflect your own configuration
              The reason for the seems-to-be-hard-and-dangerous registry editing step is because you can't insert the Unmount action directly from the Folder Option since Windows automatically add %1 to the end of your application path. Anyone know how to resolve this thus reducing the steps required, please post

              If you don't want the Unmount shell extension, you can stop at step 13. More reason to this is that you can unmount the image by right-clicking the virtual drive and select Eject. Or you can leave the image mounted as mounting another image will automatically replace the image after all.

              If you're using more than one virtual drive, repeat all steps but replace the virtual drive number flags (From "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%1" to "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 1,"%1" for example to mount to the second drive). Don't forget to rename the command (Mount to drive 1/X and Mount to drive 2/Y for example) to distinguish them. This goes for the Unmount command too.

              To make it even prettier, create a submenu using programs like Fast Explorer.

              Thank you and sorry for the pictures.
              Last edited by Palthron; 31.10.2006, 21:52. Reason: Cutting a few steps, reducing picture sizes, etc


              • #8
                SendTo submenu

                Another method to insert an image mounting command to the context menu is by using the native SendTo submenu.

                1. Copy the Daemon Tools shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\SendTo
                2. Right click on the file and click Properties (Or just press Alt + Enter on the keyboard)
                3. Edit the Target text box by adding " -mount 0," at the end of the path (This is called flagging). The end result would look like this : "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%1"

                To use it, right click on an image, enter the SendTo submenu, and click the Daemon Tools icon.

                NB : This image also reflect the result of what you'd get by using the first method described in my previous post. Look at the two first selection in the image.

                After meddling around with the Fast Explorer program, I've managed to create something like this

                The whole user interface is quite simple so I won't be writing a step-by-step tutorial for it unless asked.

                Thank you.
                Last edited by Palthron; 31.10.2006, 23:11. Reason: Adding information about Fast Explorer


                • #9
                  Originally Posted by Palthron
                  Another method to insert an image mounting command to the context menu is by using the native SendTo submenu.

                  1. Copy the Daemon Tools shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\SendTo
                  2. Right click on the file and click Properties (Or just press Alt + Enter on the keyboard)
                  3. Edit the Target text box by adding " -mount 0," at the end of the path (This is called flagging). The end result would look like this : "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%1"

                  To use it, right click on an image, enter the SendTo submenu, and click the Daemon Tools icon.

                  NB : This image also reflect the result of what you'd get by using the first method described in my previous post. Look at the two first selection in the image.

                  After meddling around with the Fast Explorer program, I've managed to create something like this

                  The whole user interface is quite simple so I won't be writing a step-by-step tutorial for it unless asked.

                  Thank you.
                  do U mind walking me thru these "simple" steps please.
                  I will be very grateful.
                  Thank you


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by emucox
                    do U mind walking me thru these "simple" steps please.
                    Any particular reason not to use a readily available plugin such as awxDTools?


                    • #11
                      you can add contextmenus "eject" and "close" drive to all drives using vbscript. Here are the files. Don't forget to adjust everything for your system (paths etc.). This will work for real optical drives as well as virtual ones (only the virtual cdrom tray won't REALLY open, lol, but the currently loaded image will be unmounted)


                      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


                      @="\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\wscript.exe\" \"C:\\Program Files\\Util\\CD_Auswerfen.vbs\" %1"


                      Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

                      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\Laufwerk schließen]

                      [HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Drive\shell\Laufwerk schließen\Command]
                      @="\"C:\\Windows\\System32\\wscript.exe\" \"C:\\Program Files\\Util\\CD_Schliessen.vbs\" %1"


                      Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
                      driveletter = objArgs.Item(0) ' G:\
                      driveletter2 = Replace(driveletter, "\", "") ' G: -> for WMI
                      Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
                      Set oCD = oWMP.cdromCollection.getByDriveSpecifier(drivelett er)

                      Set oCD = nothing
                      Set oWMP = nothing


                      Set objArgs = WScript.Arguments
                      driveletter = objArgs.Item(0) ' G:\
                      driveletter2 = Replace(driveletter, "\", "") ' G: -> for WMI
                      Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")
                      Set oCD = oWMP.cdromCollection.getByDriveSpecifier(drivelett er)

                      Set oCD = nothing
                      Set oWMP = nothing


                      • #12
                        Originally Posted by Palthron View Post
                        After meddling around with the Fast Explorer program, I've managed to create something like this

                        The whole user interface is quite simple so I won't be writing a step-by-step tutorial for it unless asked.
                        Thank you.
                        i try to do this but i have 1 problem..

                        i write good in parameters? because i have an errore when i try to mount

                        what i wrong?


                        • #13
                          Originally Posted by Palthron View Post
                          Another method to insert an image mounting command to the context menu is by using the native SendTo submenu.
                          1. Copy the Daemon Tools shortcut to C:\Documents and Settings\[UserName]\SendTo
                          2. Right click on the file and click Properties (Or just press Alt + Enter on the keyboard)
                          3. Edit the Target text box by adding " -mount 0," at the end of the path (This is called flagging). The end result would look like this : "C:\Program Files\DAEMON Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"%1"
                          To use it, right click on an image, enter the SendTo submenu, and click the Daemon Tools icon.

                          NB : This image also reflect the result of what you'd get by using the first method described in my previous post. Look at the two first selection in the image.
                          After meddling around with the Fast Explorer program, I've managed to create something like this

                          The whole user interface is quite simple so I won't be writing a step-by-step tutorial for it unless asked.
                          Thank you.
                          Well, it looks good, ideal, in fact, but does it really do all those sub-commands that are shown in the animation? How did you find those within Fast Explorer? I certainly can't figure it out. What is intuitive to some people amazes me.


                          • #14

                            Originally Posted by EdwardBE View Post
                            How did you find those within Fast Explorer?
                            fyi: Palthron hasn't visited the site since 2006.
                            the modern world:
                            net helpmsg 4006


                            • #15
                              Originally Posted by Palthron View Post
                              Any particular reason not to use a readily available plugin such as awxDTools?
                              i've been using this addon (for dtools v4) for a long time, it worked fine on xp sp2, but i guess because it hasn't been updated since 2006 it doesnt work with XP SP3 (32bits).

                              i get a VC++2005 runtime error.

                              is there a forum or website for this addon ? i've been using it for a long time on this laptop, but now it doesnt work anymore.

                              And the thread i made yesterday here at dtools forum was deleted.

                              Or moved god knows where

