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Spyware in your Free Version Install

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  • Spyware in your Free Version Install

    While I sincerely enjoy using your software... and I find it to be a very useful tool for many different things.... it bothers me very badly that you have included Spyware in the install .exe file.

    Sweetpacks is well known as malicious software in the Technical Support field... the trickery that is employed when installing your software makes me want to use a different tool. I'm sure I can find one easily enough.

    I certainly hope that the paid for version doesn't include the same crap. I'm sure if half the people who downloaded the software knew exactly what the install asked them to install alongside your software, they wouldn't download it.

    Just wanted to let you know I'm appalled and considering not downloading again.. ever.

  • #2
    3rd party software installation is entirely optional. You can uncheck corresponding options in installation wizard, and nothing will be installed together with DAEMON Tools Lite.
    Also you can disable your Internet connection during installation to prevent any offers, or run a silent installation: Installation command line parameters |
    And of course, paid version of DAEMON Tools Lite does not contain any partner offers.

    btw. technically speaking it's rather Adware than Spyware.
    Last edited by Terramex; 02.09.2013, 21:38. Reason: typo
    I'm not employed by Disc Soft and my views do not necessarily reflect the ones of the company.


    • #3
      Originally Posted by Terramex View Post
      3rd party software installation is entirely optional. You can uncheck corresponding options in installation wizard, and nothing will be installed together with DAEMON Tools Lite.
      Also you can disable your Internet connection during installation to prevent any offers, or run a silent installation: Installation command line parameters |
      And of course, paid version of DAEMON Tools Lite does not contain any partner offers.

      btw. technically speaking it's rather Adware than Spyware.
      This is a bold face LIE. I just went through an hour of hell getting this crap off of my PC. DT told me it had an update so I said sure go ahead. In the installation it told me it wanted to install this CRAP and I noticed it said "By Clicking Next You Agree To The Terms blah blah" and I clicked SKIP. NOT NEXT. Guess what? IT STILL INSTALLED ON MY PC. I've been using DT since it came out but after this BS fiasco I'm done! Uninstalling and will never use again and I'll be telling all of my PC friends to do the same. I am completely upset that they would knowingly put this shady software in their install.

      Try to defend them all you want, the entire process is designed to trick users into installing this crap. That crap infested my computer in multiple ways and was not as simple as just going into extensions and disabling. Oh no, I had to run Anti-Malware software, go into Chrome and IE10 in multiple sections and disable, remove, uncheck, go into Win Explorer, track down all the crap hidden and delete after terminating the process that would restart almost instantly and then clean my registry. It's absolutely ridiculous that they would try to make it sound like you can disable it easily, that's an utter LIE. And to tell the user that he should disconnect his internet just to install a supposed safe and trusted program is just plain stupid. Users expect better than that from a trusted company but I guess now we know, they can't be trusted.

      I made a forum account here just to write this because I am seriously offended that here and another thread you basically made it sound like it was the users fault. What a crock. And nice little snide remark at the end as if Adware was somehow better than Spyware. Like it matters. It's listed as a browser hijacker and even a virus on some sites smart guy.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by Villainous View Post
        This is a bold face LIE. I just went through an hour of hell getting this crap off of my PC. DT told me it had an update so I said sure go ahead. In the installation it told me it wanted to install this CRAP and I noticed it said "By Clicking Next You Agree To The Terms blah blah" and I clicked SKIP. NOT NEXT. Guess what? IT STILL INSTALLED ON MY PC. I've been using DT since it came out but after this BS fiasco I'm done! Uninstalling and will never use again and I'll be telling all of my PC friends to do the same. I am completely upset that they would knowingly put this shady software in their install.

        Try to defend them all you want, the entire process is designed to trick users into installing this crap. That crap infested my computer in multiple ways and was not as simple as just going into extensions and disabling. Oh no, I had to run Anti-Malware software, go into Chrome and IE10 in multiple sections and disable, remove, uncheck, go into Win Explorer, track down all the crap hidden and delete after terminating the process that would restart almost instantly and then clean my registry. It's absolutely ridiculous that they would try to make it sound like you can disable it easily, that's an utter LIE. And to tell the user that he should disconnect his internet just to install a supposed safe and trusted program is just plain stupid. Users expect better than that from a trusted company but I guess now we know, they can't be trusted.

        I made a forum account here just to write this because I am seriously offended that here and another thread you basically made it sound like it was the users fault. What a crock. And nice little snide remark at the end as if Adware was somehow better than Spyware. Like it matters. It's listed as a browser hijacker and even a virus on some sites smart guy.
        All offers installation is absolutely optional. Installation process has been tested by our qualified QA team. No issues found. Make sure you cancelled all offers during DAEMON Tools Lite Free installation. Pay attantion that some partners (OpenCandy, BetterInstaller) can show 2 offers.

        If you have some issues, please send us ([email protected]) a video of installation process. We will take appropriate steps.


        • #5
          If you take a look at some other posts of mine you will find that i deplore some partner's tricky installation behaviour,
          but each and every one i've faced so far could be canceled/skiped/opt out in some way.

          Please don't call me a liar not until you can prove your claims.
          If something really installed without your consent that's a violation of our network policies.
          In this case i apologize and am sure that the relevant people at Disc-Soft take corrective action.

          I'm afraid that you don't want tips from me, but this is a very good (portable) tool: Téléchargements - Outils de Xplode - AdwCleaner
          Last edited by Terramex; 15.09.2013, 17:12. Reason: typo
          I'm not employed by Disc Soft and my views do not necessarily reflect the ones of the company.


          • #6
            So I just chewed out ImgBurn's author 2 days ago for using OpenCandy (who were pushing offers that were greying out the decline buttons and using Express/Custom install screens where Custom is greyed out and Express installs crapware like SearchProtect--so I'm very familiar with what these tricky offers look like.

            And yet here I am after installing DaemonTools lite staring at SearchProtect and Sweetpacks installed on my system. They were offered in the Custom/Express format I just mentioned. I unchecked Custom to de-select the installation of those two progs. Then I selected Express and deselected the two checkboxes that specified installing each package individually. Two more screens of offers followed and I declined them all.

            I'm really tired of this BS. Authors need to take responsibility for this crap instead of claiming you can opt out of everything. The offers are obviously meant to trick people who are hasty or don't know better--and now on top of that pathetic behavior they just install whatever the hell they want anyhow.

            Call me a liar if you want, but it happened, and thanks to your shitty decision to include this crap in your installer I have to waste my time cleaning SearchProtect off my system.



            • #7
              Originally Posted by Sway View Post
              All offers installation is absolutely optional. Installation process has been tested by our qualified QA team. No issues found. Make sure you cancelled all offers during DAEMON Tools Lite Free installation. Pay attantion that some partners (OpenCandy, BetterInstaller) can show 2 offers.

              If you have some issues, please send us ([email protected]) a video of installation process. We will take appropriate steps.
              Not sure if my original post will pop or not, but SweetPacks Toolbar and SearchProtect by Conduit both installed even though I deselected "Express" install, selected "Custom" install, and then deselected the two individual tickboxes that were associated with individually installing each of those two progs.

              After the first time this happened I uninstalled three things (the 3rd being IB Updater Service), reset my browser settings and uninstalled the toolbar, then ran MalwareBytes and restarted to finish cleaning up the system. I then surfed around to make sure the toolbar did not reappear.

              Just to see how it would go, I reinstalled Daemon Tools Lite again while recording with Fraps. I declined three pages of offers, yet the same programs installed themselves again.

              Opting Out: link
              Oh, look, toolbars and other stuff installed anyway: link

              Needless to say, I'm not even remotely happy after this happened and your software is now on my blacklist alongside ImgBurn until someone develops the moral fortitude to admit these offers are exploitative at best and absolutely dishonest at worst.

              It means very little to me when an author tells me the offered programs aren't malicious when these programs install even when the end user opts out. In all honesty, it looks more like the authors are also involved with some shady stuff when their statements defending services like OpenCandy are so naive.


              • #8
                Originally Posted by punitenshu View Post
                And yet here I am after installing DaemonTools lite staring at SearchProtect and Sweetpacks installed on my system. They were offered in the Custom/Express format I just mentioned. I unchecked Custom to de-select the installation of those two progs. Then I selected Express and deselected the two checkboxes that specified installing each package individually.
                I've reproduced this issue and reported it to responsible person.
                Thanks for help! Please check your private messages


                • #9
                  A Thank You For This Thread

                  Originally Posted by Sway View Post
                  I've reproduced this issue and reported it to responsible person.
                  Thanks for help! Please check your private messages
                  For saving me the hassle of installing this software

                  My antivirus software flagged this adware threat and after research found that it was legit.


                  • #10
                    Originally Posted by Sway View Post
                    I've reproduced this issue and reported it to responsible person.
                    Thanks for help! Please check your private messages
                    How about addressing this issue on the forum publically rather than through private messaging. I've stopped using Daemon tools since you started with mountspace because of issues similar to this. I check in ocasionally to see if these issues have been resolved. Now that I check again, the most recent post I can dig up is this one and the one here :

                    which you link back to this current thread. However this provides no information. The person on the other thread was looking for an answer to this issue, not a restatement of what happened.

                    you saying you let someone who's responsible know. Well, great. now follow up. not just to the people who asked through private messages, to everyone else weary of installing your software too. They are not the only people dealing with these issues. why should they be the only ones to have access to information regarding the status of it?


                    • #11
                      So I'm not the only one...

                      Yes, I have been infected by the free version of Daemon Tools too.
                      I'm currently waiting for antispyware/virus to clean my PC, thanks to the incompetence of the "qualified QA team" (Honestly, can you tell us what tests they performed?)

                      Stop throwing bullshit at your users when they come to you saying your programs are a fucking nest of infections. It's been a while since you added some barely legit program to the installation of your software, using some old tips to push the user to install some third party programs.
                      Because come on, the "Skip/Next" trick, the "recommended installation", all that not event translated.... Good work guys, you are truly professionals.

                      But hey, why not. After all, it's a free version.

                      But install adware after the user choose not to do so... Woow guys, nice step forward.
                      The best part in all that is that I buy your software (a while ago, I must admit)! It's already installed on one of my computer but right now, it was faster/easier to install the free version.

                      Anyway, because I'm sure you dont give a crap about your users, I just wanted to say that I will never again user/buy anything that is made from you. At my eyes, you are the reflection of what is wrong with developpers nowadays. If you want money, dont scam your users, ask them to buy the pro version.
                      If I can give you an advice, just try to grow some ethics. Your users, even those of the free version (which are those that have popularized your program) , dont deserve the shit who is installed with your program. If you want money, stop your free version, it will be better for everyone.
                      And choose your partners more wisely maybe.

                      You make me sick.


                      • #12
                        I registered just to voice my disgust at the practice of installing unwanted shit. I needed to mount a virtual drive and the web advised to use Daemon tools but no mention that the program installs Camarava or whatever the hell it was called even though I checked don't install adware. Yes DT is free but that does not mean you can install unwanted shit. I did not install DT but there are probably people that will just click OK believing you to be honest. I used a more honest software to mount a virtual drive.
                        Shame on you.
                        I will never use your tools until you stop this practice and I will advise everyone not to either.


                        • #13
                          Same here Ramus. I just installed Daemon Tools and was sure to uncheck any options for extra installs, YET crappy f'ing Search Protect still installed on my PC and screwed up Google Chrome.

                          Definitely no longer recommending Daemon Tools to anyone... used to be great, now spyware shit installs no matter what. Love how the mods straight up lie and say you can decline all spyware options too.

                          People who create spyware are the lowest of the low, and developers that include it in their products are just one step above them. Diaf Daemon devs.


                          • #14
                            Bump. Confirmed, it installs bloatware anyway even if you skip them. Nice job.

                            I'll start a thread in every forum I actively participate (that's five, in one I'm also a mod) advising people to stay away from this crap and spread the word. Can't believe you guys fell so low.


                            • #15
                              Let me point out that since those older posts some team members reproduced very few "opt-out" malfunctions,
                              and also confirmed them in the open forums. So considering this, please don't call people liars.
                              And i can't help, after many, many tests personally i still haven't encountered such a malfunction.

                              Pleae also have a look here:
                              Last edited by Terramex; 12.09.2014, 20:30.
                              I'm not employed by Disc Soft and my views do not necessarily reflect the ones of the company.

