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Knights of Honor

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  • Knights of Honor

    Hi, look at this :

    Do with it something!! Please Please Please :cry:

  • #2
    We know that already, just don't lock the dll :mrgreen:
    meanwhile boycott such games! :twisted:
    Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
    They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!


    • #3
      We think this is a bug and not a feature, as it's illegal in almost every country to simple kill files from target system. I'm sure, the publisher / developer
      of that protection will soon fix this. Let us wait for the next update for that


      • #4
        It seems that this is not the only game to feature these nasty tricks; the game 'Spellforce Gold Edition' that comes also from Jowood uses the same or very similar measures (Xprot+Securom 5).

        These are the problems found under Windows XP in the correct order:

        1. It refused to run complaining about a 'hook process' that is being run on the system. The problem simply was that there was an open handle to the process; this is commonly used for synchronization, so this is pure paranoia.
        2. It complained about Patin Couffin being installed. Solution: disable it.
        3. It loads daemon.dll and unmounts all drives & disables RMPS. If it finds that 'Lock DLL' has been used, it renames the file to daemon.bak at the next reboot (it does not delete it as I've read). Solution: lock the file (not by using Lock DLL).
        3. Securom 5 blacklisting. Solution: ... .
        4. Additional CD check. This check fails from the virtual drives (I haven't checked it thoroughly, but I think that this is probably a second check, and not the main Securom one) reporting that probably an older CD-Rom drive had been used and suggesting to read the "Electronic CDKey" topic on the readme file. Then I burned the image to check if it was OK, and it worked fine, so maybe they've found some new hole.

        So in the end I'm playing the game from the original play disc, but certainly the measures that involve uninstallation/destruction of other software are unacceptable from any point of view and are probably punishable.

        As a final note, be aware that the actual developers of games usually don't have anything to do with these things, normally the publishers should be blamed but not the authors.


        • #5
          My daemon.dll is renamed every time, even if lock is disabled and no image is mounted. Anyone else with this problem?

