Hi, I'm French, so excuse me for my english...
My subject mean it could be interesting to include a "playlist" function to Daemon Tools because a lot af new programs need 2 or more Cds...
Example :
I mount the CD1, the CD2 and the CD3 of "BIGSOFTWARE" ... I choose "Create a List" with, for example, the name "BIGSOFTWARE.DTL" (DTL for Dameon Tools List) ... and in the future, if I open the file "BIGSOFTWARE.DTL", my 3 CDs are automatically mounted ...
I think it should be a great feature....

My subject mean it could be interesting to include a "playlist" function to Daemon Tools because a lot af new programs need 2 or more Cds...
Example :
I mount the CD1, the CD2 and the CD3 of "BIGSOFTWARE" ... I choose "Create a List" with, for example, the name "BIGSOFTWARE.DTL" (DTL for Dameon Tools List) ... and in the future, if I open the file "BIGSOFTWARE.DTL", my 3 CDs are automatically mounted ...

I think it should be a great feature....
