please - everyone calm down!
What I learned lately is that it is indeed not possible to run such a big
community without some hassle here and there.
We tried several solutions - nothing worked really flawlessly.
@Raa: yep. I got the idea
only the timing was a little bit misplaced
because of the trouble that started some days ago. However, don't
be worried, I got the joke
@all: Since some days now we received overwhelming amount of "thank
you" emails - and we much appreciate it! Of course some negative emails
also, there will be always people out there that think to blame us will help
or even wrote me mail which contains texts like "WORK!! Don't post this
bullshit but instead kick your butts and release your software! You're
idiots" (others used other terms), but still same context. Interesting:
with one exception, only german users wrote negative critics. Maybe my
english is just sooo bad that they not even understood what the reason for
all that trouble was OR they can't read english at all
However, all that lead now to a much more "chilling" atmosphere here and
we made some "timeouts" from work lately. We need some time for our
private lifes and I'm pretty sure everyone of you understand this.
Please don't start flamewar - what I already liked the most is our indeed
good relationship here and friendly atmosphere (even I must admit that
it suffered alot since recent issues) - let's do our best to hold it on that
level that we had last year!
Also I must apologize if I was lately ranting here and there - I'm under
big pressure not only here but also in my "real" life, and afterall, I'm only
human.. I'm a peacefull person normally and everyone who knows me
better can confirm that its not my usual behaviour to rant against every-
thing but instead try to help other people with their problems
to make the long story short: PEACE - release isn't that far away anymore.
What I learned lately is that it is indeed not possible to run such a big
community without some hassle here and there.
We tried several solutions - nothing worked really flawlessly.
@Raa: yep. I got the idea

because of the trouble that started some days ago. However, don't
be worried, I got the joke
@all: Since some days now we received overwhelming amount of "thank
you" emails - and we much appreciate it! Of course some negative emails
also, there will be always people out there that think to blame us will help
or even wrote me mail which contains texts like "WORK!! Don't post this
bullshit but instead kick your butts and release your software! You're
idiots" (others used other terms), but still same context. Interesting:
with one exception, only german users wrote negative critics. Maybe my
english is just sooo bad that they not even understood what the reason for
all that trouble was OR they can't read english at all
However, all that lead now to a much more "chilling" atmosphere here and
we made some "timeouts" from work lately. We need some time for our
private lifes and I'm pretty sure everyone of you understand this.
Please don't start flamewar - what I already liked the most is our indeed
good relationship here and friendly atmosphere (even I must admit that
it suffered alot since recent issues) - let's do our best to hold it on that
level that we had last year!
Also I must apologize if I was lately ranting here and there - I'm under
big pressure not only here but also in my "real" life, and afterall, I'm only
human.. I'm a peacefull person normally and everyone who knows me
better can confirm that its not my usual behaviour to rant against every-
thing but instead try to help other people with their problems
to make the long story short: PEACE - release isn't that far away anymore.