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Registry edit trick to pass over securom7

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  • Registry edit trick to pass over securom7

    i find a trick to pass over securom7 editing the registry of the windows! Daemon tools could do this automatic whem securom emulation is on?
    if this have any importance i put in the forum the .bat file. In the file have the registry parts to be mod!

  • #2
    Are you talking about denying rights to HKLM/System/MountedDevices?
    Because this trick only worked in the first SecuROM releases, but was fixed quite fast (gives protection module error).


    • #3
      I'm the developer of Anti-Blaxx and sr7.stop - i could cooperate with dtools programmers as well, so ask me if you want to.
      (First i thought about a dtools patch or sth in that way, but thats illegal).
      However i think after the ide jammer is released there won't be a prob with that anymore.

