This thing,without I can't use daemon tools version 4 creates many problems to my computer.For example sometimes in some games my computer restarts without a reason!
Daemon 3.47 is the best,because doesn't modify that kernel,and I didn't had any problems after instalation.So I reinstalled my WindowsXp and now I use 3.47,but the bad thing is the newest games protection doesn't work.
So I wonder if it is possible to create a new version of daemon tools like 3.47 but updated with the new protections?
Daemon 3.47 is the best,because doesn't modify that kernel,and I didn't had any problems after instalation.So I reinstalled my WindowsXp and now I use 3.47,but the bad thing is the newest games protection doesn't work.
So I wonder if it is possible to create a new version of daemon tools like 3.47 but updated with the new protections?
