Hi. This is my first post because I just registered in order to ask for help but I have surfed this forums earlier and I'm not a n00b so if someone would please try to help me, I would be very grateful.
My problem seems to have appeared out of nowhere. Yesterday I just wanted t0 mount an image with Daemon Tools. So, I right-cliked it and clicked the E: Image (my first virtual image) like I did 10000 times ago. Then, surprise, Daemon Tools froze. I was unable to acces it anymore and it never showed the browse image menu, thus rendering me unable to use it. I had to close it from the task manager (ctr+alt+del).
Now, I uninstalled it and reinstalled, tried every version from 3.47 to 4.07 and still, the same problem exhibits. Installs perfectl7y, appears on tray perfectly, works if I want to enable emulation etc BUT if I try to acces the browse image menu, it freezes and I have to stop it forcefully.
Please, can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong and how to solve it ??
Thanks in advance,
- K
My problem seems to have appeared out of nowhere. Yesterday I just wanted t0 mount an image with Daemon Tools. So, I right-cliked it and clicked the E: Image (my first virtual image) like I did 10000 times ago. Then, surprise, Daemon Tools froze. I was unable to acces it anymore and it never showed the browse image menu, thus rendering me unable to use it. I had to close it from the task manager (ctr+alt+del).
Now, I uninstalled it and reinstalled, tried every version from 3.47 to 4.07 and still, the same problem exhibits. Installs perfectl7y, appears on tray perfectly, works if I want to enable emulation etc BUT if I try to acces the browse image menu, it freezes and I have to stop it forcefully.
Please, can anyone tell me if I'm doing something wrong and how to solve it ??
Thanks in advance,
- K