Hi, on 05-05-2007 I bough DTool Advanced, the email used was the one I registered on this forum, I requested the customer status on a thread started by another user, LocutusOfBorg send me a private message, I replied the message but never got the customer status.
Well, today I renewed my License on DTool Advance for 1 more year, I hope this time I get the customer status, my Swreg Order Number was E1412214, and that this should be enough to validate my account.
Also, off the topic, why is so hard to enable vIDE on WinXP x64, cmon guys, I don't want to get back to XP 32-bits, and Vista x64 it's too expensive, and don't want to upgrade neither.
Is there plans in the future, at least within a year to enable vIDE for XP x64 / Server 2003 x64? or should I reconsider to move back to XP 32 bits?
Thank you.
Well, today I renewed my License on DTool Advance for 1 more year, I hope this time I get the customer status, my Swreg Order Number was E1412214, and that this should be enough to validate my account.
Also, off the topic, why is so hard to enable vIDE on WinXP x64, cmon guys, I don't want to get back to XP 32-bits, and Vista x64 it's too expensive, and don't want to upgrade neither.
Is there plans in the future, at least within a year to enable vIDE for XP x64 / Server 2003 x64? or should I reconsider to move back to XP 32 bits?
Thank you.