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"Unable to mount image. File not accessible"

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  • #31
    Try latest DT Pro, it includes some RAID fixes.
    Make something idiot proof, but then they just make a better idiot
    Peace Through Power


    • #32
      It is the latest version (I and others) are using. This *finally* needs being fixed (in a newer release).


      • #33
        Originally Posted by DReffects View Post
        Originally Posted by nimd4 View Post
        sorry but where's the fix?!
        An image can be mounted, when copied to the drive root


        • #34
          Hi everybody.
          Enybody wants to talk with support team and give us a chance to find out the problem's root?
          This topic, as I remember, is related strongly to win2k mounting problem. Now, you guys mixed up two different problems to the same old topic.
          Also, please point exact DT version numper in you posts, because the latest version today is not the same as the latest version tommorow.
          So, contact to our support team using this web-form Send Message :: and point the link to this topic in the message.
          Welcome to the dark side, my dear padavan. We have cookies


          • #35
            Image not mounting

            Yea, i'm running Vista x64 and the image isn't mounting, tried putting on C: and its still saying the same thing.....


            • #36
              Hello. I found that this problem persists when you haves strange characters in your image file. I had () in my file and I had the same error.
              Try renaming your file name.


              • #37
                DTools image mounting error File not accessible

                I also have this problem running a Windows Vista x86 (32bit) and the new Daemon Tools Lite 4.35.5.

                I am trying to mount a image that works fine with 3.47 (with Win XP, kids computers), but since I have Vista running on my computer I have to use a newer version of Daemon tools.

                I have the image on a NAS, but have tried locally on C:\ D:\, still no luck, all options in Dtoolslite turned on and off, still no luck.

                Does the new DTools, not have all the backwards compatibility with the older Dtools programs?


                • #38
                  My fix

                  Ok this worked for me, this is not really a fix but may help someone get their file mounted so here goes, as suggested by another poster i changed the name of the image file to something simple without any special characters just 4 alphabets and then tried mounting and voila! i dunno how why what but it worked! i then unmounted and renamed it back and tried mounting again and now it mounts fine, i know its not really a fix but a workaround.


                  • #39
                    using DT 3.47 on XP pro SP3

                    tried to mount a .mds/.mdf file and got this error
                    renamed and put in root and still got error

                    any help would be appreciated


                    • #40
                      inoesomestuff, uninstall your version and install the latest.
                      Make something idiot proof, but then they just make a better idiot
                      Peace Through Power

