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daemon tools & wine

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  • daemon tools & wine

    Operating System: Gentoo Linux (win98)
    Burning Software: K3b
    Anti-virus Software: f-prot
    DAEMON Tools Version: 3.46


    Is there any chance to make daemon tools work with wine emulator?

    At the moment I use daemon tools to run one Folio Infobase protected with Safedisc under Win4Lin, but
    since I intend to upgrade my system to amd64 in the future, it means that I won't be able to use Win4Lin any longer :cry:

    So, I'm trying to find some solution besides buying vmware :cry:

    Any idea?


  • #2
    no way, this isn't possible with wine


    • #3
      Operating System: Mandrake 10 / win 98
      Burning Software: nero
      Anti-virus Software: none
      DAEMON Tools Version: 3.47

      You don't need it with wine. You use the wine config file to mount any iso you want mounted. If you have the file listed in your /etc/fstab you can mount any iso under linux just by using the mount command.

      To copy the file to HD you use "dd if=/(input device) of=(output file)
      If you google "mount iso" you will get all the info you need for mounting under linux.

      For WINE edit the config file and add the iso you want as a new cd drive.

      Hope this helps.


      • #4
        Originally Posted by gewanew

        You don't need it with wine. You use the wine config file to mount any iso you want mounted. If you have the file listed in your /etc/fstab you can mount any iso under linux just by using the mount command.
        The problem is that daemon tools enables me to mount the image of safedisc-protected CD and to install the infobase, while it is not possible execute installer under wine since it reports to "..unload the debugger" :cry:

        By using daemon-tools under win4lin I can have image mounted and execute installer :wink:

        I am asking about the solution with wine since I intend to upgrade my box to amd64 architecture and that means end of win4lin joy :cry:



        • #5

          well... but that won't use anything for protected games... there you need an Alcohol-Image or another image like this... and that's not possible...


          But a Linux-Port of DTools would be nice.... are you thinking of making one? Probably not... but I still could ask...


          Many copy protections so or so won't work with wine... only with Cedega (prior name WineX) and that only if you have the binary and not the cvs version... but some protections may also work with wine... I think SafeDisc...

          Btw. the problem for DTools under Linux is the driver... which is designed for Windows... and Win4Linu needs a complete Windows License - so it could be possible to use drivers... but wine is only for applications... and for some games (btw. wine is also improving game support and always more games work under wine too...)


          • #6
            Originally Posted by ghost_zero
            Many copy protections so or so won't work with wine... only with Cedega (prior name WineX) and that only if you have the binary and not the cvs version... but some protections may also work with wine... I think SafeDisc...
            I tried in the past with WineX, but no luck with my copy protected CD (Safedisc 2.9.x).

            However I do not know whether the support was enhanced :lol:

            Originally Posted by ghost_zero
            Btw. the problem for DTools under Linux is the driver... which is designed for Windows... and Win4Linu needs a complete Windows License - so it could be possible to use drivers... but wine is only for applications... and for some games (btw. wine is also improving game support and always more games work under wine too...)
            To be able to use my infobase under wine, would mean no more Windows on my computer..

            Thank you for pointing out about Cedega. Maybe I can try again :wink:

