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Device Setup Error: Code 25057. Everything tried...

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  • Device Setup Error: Code 25057. Everything tried...

    Operating System: Windows XP sp2
    Burning Software: Nero
    Anti-virus Software: None
    DAEMON Tools Version: 3.47


    My Computer:
    ADM XP 3000+
    Windows XP SP2
    S-ATA drive

    I'm trying to install Daemon Tools 3.47 on my PC and run in to the following error message:
    Device setup error: Code 25057 (0x61E1), 2 (0x2). Contact your support personnel

    When checking "Device Manager" (before clicking "OK") I can see the "PnP BIOS Extension", not Working Correctly. Properties reveals this is the file c:\windows\system32\drivers\d347bus.sys.

    Reading this Forum I have found the tested the following solutions without solving the problem:
    - Modifying BOOT.INI to use /execute
    - Modifying BOOT.INI to use /NoExecute=AlwaysOff
    - Modifying the name of the drivers (Ex b347/p347, etc)
    - I have not modified ANY OS-files (ie EXE-files)

    Please help me solve this problem!

    Thank you.


  • #2
    Eventlog information

    The eventlog reveals the following two errors:

    Event Type: Error
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 10005
    Date: 2005-05-06
    Time: 15:26:19
    User: GARURUMON\Administrator
    Computer: GARURUMON
    Product: DAEMON Tools -- Error 25001. Device setup error: code 25057 (0x61E1), 2 (0x2) . Contact your support personnel.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 7b 33 44 45 44 33 41 37 {3DED3A7
    0008: 32 2d 36 31 41 38 2d 34 2-61A8-4
    0010: 42 38 37 2d 39 38 41 35 B87-98A5
    0018: 2d 45 46 30 42 43 38 30 -EF0BC80
    0020: 33 38 41 41 30 7d 38AA0}

    ================================================== =

    Event Type: Information
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 11708
    Date: 2005-05-06
    Time: 15:26:21
    User: GARURUMON\Administrator
    Computer: GARURUMON
    Product: DAEMON Tools -- Installation failed.

    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 7b 33 44 45 44 33 41 37 {3DED3A7
    0008: 32 2d 36 31 41 38 2d 34 2-61A8-4
    0010: 42 38 37 2d 39 38 41 35 B87-98A5
    0018: 2d 45 46 30 42 43 38 30 -EF0BC80
    0020: 33 38 41 41 30 7d 38AA0}


    • #3
      Entries in setupapi.log

      Information from setupapi.log:

      [SetupAPI Log]
      OS Version = 5.1.2600 Service Pack 2
      Platform ID = 2 (NT)
      Service Pack = 2.0
      Suite = 0x0100
      Product Type = 1
      Architecture = x86
      [2005/05/06 15:19:04 1128.173]
      #-198 Command line processed: C:\WINDOWS\System32\MsiExec.exe -Embedding 7D548E19933396A7DC8618F1DDD5293B M Global\MSI0000
      #I060 Set selected driver.
      #-019 Searching for hardware ID(s): root\d347bus
      #I022 Found "root\d347bus" in c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\inf9.tmp; Device: "PnP BIOS Extension"; Driver: "PnP BIOS Extension"; Provider: "Generic"; Mfg: "(Standard system devices)"; Section name: "INST".
      #I087 Driver node not trusted, rank changed from 0x00000000 to 0x00008000.
      #I023 Actual install section: [INST.NT]. Rank: 0x00008000. Effective driver date: 08/22/2004.
      #-166 Device install function: DIF_SELECTBESTCOMPATDRV.
      #I063 Selected driver installs from section [INST] in "c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\inf9.tmp".
      #I320 Class GUID of device remains: {4D36E97D-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}.
      #I060 Set selected driver.
      #I058 Selected best compatible driver.
      #-124 Doing copy-only install of "ROOT\SYSTEM\0003".
      #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file "c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\inf9.tmp" for driver "PnP BIOS Extension" will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
      #-166 Device install function: DIF_REGISTER_COINSTALLERS.
      #I056 Coinstallers registered.
      #-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLINTERFACES.
      #-011 Installing section [INST.NT.Interfaces] from "c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\inf9.tmp".
      #I054 Interfaces installed.
      #-166 Device install function: DIF_INSTALLDEVICE.
      #I123 Doing full install of "ROOT\SYSTEM\0003".
      #E360 An unsigned or incorrectly signed file "c:\docume~1\admini~1\locals~1\temp\inf9.tmp" for driver "PnP BIOS Extension" will be installed (Policy=Ignore). Error 0xe000022f: The third-party INF does not contain digital signature information.
      #I163 Device not started: Device has problem: 0x27: CM_PROB_DRIVER_FAILED_LOAD.
      #I121 Device install of "ROOT\SYSTEM\0003" finished successfully.

