Start install daemon400 downloaded from you site.
Then it`s over press OK button. Reboot system.
Windows XP loading too long, about 5 min.
And so ? Then it loaded fully i had no daemon icon
in tray, and also no daemon files in program files\
That i can do to make this program works ?
P.S. 3.47 doesn`t install after this too. 25057 Error.
Sorry for errors, i`m russian. :wink:
Then it`s over press OK button. Reboot system.
Windows XP loading too long, about 5 min.

And so ? Then it loaded fully i had no daemon icon
in tray, and also no daemon files in program files\
That i can do to make this program works ?
P.S. 3.47 doesn`t install after this too. 25057 Error.
Sorry for errors, i`m russian. :wink: