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DaemonScript Clone Anyone Interested

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  • #46
    Thanks Tony. I just sent you an email. Still haven't encountered any problems with 4.2 on my machine.


    • #47
      thats good cause if you hit update you can tell me if v4.3 via update works

      so everybody out there if u want v4.3, download v4.2 and hit update.

      added instance by filename to waitforapp and terminateapp, so now you can type for example. calc, calc.exe or c:\windows\system32\calc.exe. all will work for instance by filename.

      couple of other code improvements, cant remember them all

      let me know how it goes.

      [email protected]




      • #48
        1 forgot to mention, v4.3 only opens v4.0 and on scripts


        • #49
          v4.4 is uploaded to server so click update and let me know how it goes.


          • #50
            Updated through the internal updater to 4.4. Worked great. Opened my saved 4.2 script and saved it again in 4.4. Tested the shortcut created and works great. No issues here Tony.


            • #51
              just for the info. once you open an old script it will auto save to the new version, so no need to save manually.

              note an old script will run fine without being updated, so you dont really need to update your scripts they will be the same just with a older version number. i think v4.2 removed the waitforapp timeout that should never be needed any way.

              if you want to update all your scripts at once just select 5 - 10 at a time and right click and say edit script. 5 - 10 should be safe, depends how much memory you got available, just allow about 20MB per script 10 x 20MB = 200MB free memory.
              once their all open just close them all and there updated

              make a backup of your scripts first

              v4.3 and on, only support v4.x scripts

              by request i may make 'a version' that will open v2.4 scripts and on just so people can move to the newer versions more easily. not that i want to.


              • #52
                im fixing a bug I found (like usual) in mount/unmount when using dtpro.

                why know body can email me and tell me theres a problem , i just dont know.

                im just waiting on a reponse from the below thread

                then ill release v4.5. feel free to try the test i mentioned in the above thread, and let me know if u can reproduce my problem or not. requires DTProAdvanced v4.40.0311.0197


                p.s my dtpro trial will run out soon then the testing will be left up to yourselves.


                • #53
                  I'm using DTlite here Tony sorry I can't repro that bug for you. 4.4 works fine with the Lite version though.


                  • #54
                    i have uploaded v4.5 to server

                    should have fix for dtpro mount\unmount

                    and several other code improvements.

                    also auto updates scripts as you run them or open them

                    and yes im still waiting on response from the thread in the above post #52

                    Last edited by toco1971; 02.12.2010, 05:17.


                    • #55
                      Updated to 4.5 thanks for that Tony. I wish I could test the DTPro but I don't have a copy. I just use DTLite.


                      • #56
                        v4.6 is uploaded to server


                        • #57
                          v4.7 is uploaded to server\

                          fixed a newly introduced bug when creating embedded file 'interop.shell32.dll' on first run


                          • #58
                            Updated to 4.7. Working fine here. No problems to report.


                            • #59
                              "v4.7 is uploaded to server"

                              I can only find up to V 4.5 on 2shared - file upload.
                              Different server?
                              Maybe good to make a real - clickable - link in your messages...

                              Love to go test/use your program.
                              I used another "DaemonScript" on old machine. Can't find any reference to that anymore.

                              Greetz, Casey


                              • #60
                                @Casey: He only put up to 4.5 on 2shared. What you need to do is download 4.5 run it and click on the update in the program. It will download 4.7 and update to it for you.

