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Hilfe kann v4 nicht installieren
1. Reboot to save mode
2. While rebooting to save mode Press ESC on any vax* and sptd* driver loads
3. Go to ../system32/drivers/ and delete any vax* and sptd* files
4. Open Device Manager, and select "show hidden devices"
5. Uninstall any vax*, sptd* and sfcure* drivers (do not restart if asked)
6. Open registy editor and search for "sptd", when found - delete. If complains, then select subentry, modify permisions, and then delete. All "stpd" entries must be deleted. - Da auch mal mit TuneUP Utilities alles loeschen lassen, was nutzlos ist.
7. Reboot to normal mode.
8. Install. Reboot.
9. Finish install, have fun
Suchfunktion haette auch geholfen.Make something idiot proof, but then they just make a better idiot
Peace Through Power