Hello to all they are new, I would have a problem with Daemon Tools: when clicco in order to make to leave the istallazione the shielded one is opened but then I go ahead and writing appears me and it says to me that I must riavviare the PC in order to continue the operation, I riavvio the PC but when us riprovo he demands to me dinuovo of riavviarlo, have made therefore 10 times but nothing to make I always ask me for riavviare the PC in order to continue.
I hope to me it are explained well.
However someone could help me to resolve is problem?
Thanks in advance payment
Hello to all they are new, I would have a problem with Daemon Tools: when clicco in order to make to leave the istallazione the shielded one is opened but then I go ahead and writing appears me and it says to me that I must riavviare the PC in order to continue the operation, I riavvio the PC but when us riprovo he demands to me dinuovo of riavviarlo, have made therefore 10 times but nothing to make I always ask me for riavviare the PC in order to continue.
I hope to me it are explained well.
However someone could help me to resolve is problem?
Thanks in advance payment