Well, i've been using an LTR-48246S for about a year now ... at least with me it works flawlessly up to SD 3.1 (latest SD version i checked it with) and no hardware-related problems with anything else i tried.
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Looking for the best burner?
Daemon Tools earlier web pages referred to protection "Securom" requiring a burner that could read and write P16 sub codes and error codes, if my memory is correct. This information seems no longer, to be available.
I found the only burner that could do this is a Plextor and my model does it OK. 40\12\40A Plexwriter Ide Burner. It would be interesting to find out what other burners can do this? Does anyone have information? Thanks.
My Sony certainly cannot do the same copy protected CD`s.
All writers supporting DAO-RAW96 can write errors and subchannels, although for that DAO-RAW16 would be enough (e.g. older Philips writers). DAO-RAW96 can also copy PSX games with protection based on un-corrected subchannel data (corrected by DAO-RAW16 writers).Everybody be cool! You, be cool!
They'll keep fighting! And they'll win!
OK, I might have said Securom but probably should have said Securom 2.
My Plextor reproduced Empire Earth but my New Sony could not.
I am not personally interested in copying protected game CD`s but my friends are. Hence I posted the question with two motives. To alert others to earlier Daemon info plus try to find burners that match Plextor`s attributes. However, Alchohol burner software will often do the impossible copy with some clever automatic workarounds. I still have the earlier Daemon write up on sub codes if anyone wants it. I have been waiting three months for Plextor burners. None available currently in Australia.