So i just got d2 exspantion and its brand new so i installed everything d2 then d2 exspantion so when i clicked on the d2 exspantion everythings was ok for the first few seconds then it came to the part where you see the flaming Diablo II and the guy and a assain and its snowing everytime a click the mouse it freeezes then crashes or even when i leave it alone freezes crashes and then i get this error after it freezes and crashes
Assertion Failure
Location :C\projects\Diablo 2\source\D2 BN client\BnetGW cpp, line #94 Expression
count 2.87766E+231INTRIES_PER_GATEWAY) == 0
Then i reinstalled itand same thing happend same error same thing i even tryed my regular D2 it just comes out exspantion not regular.Plz help.
Assertion Failure
Location :C\projects\Diablo 2\source\D2 BN client\BnetGW cpp, line #94 Expression
Then i reinstalled itand same thing happend same error same thing i even tryed my regular D2 it just comes out exspantion not regular.Plz help.