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Could u recommend me an encoder?

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  • Could u recommend me an encoder?

    Hi folks!
    Could u please recommend me a good free available video encoder, preferable with the xvid codec. i used to use Dr. DivX, but that proggie is crap.
    Thanks in advance!

    My sysProfile!

  • #2
    I use autoGK, woks well... and it supports Xvid.
    Worth the test
    Carpe diem


    • #3
      I think VirtualDub can do that. Just open a video file (many file types are supported, i think) with it and choose save as. Select avi and go to advanced options. There you can choose many different codecs (depends on which you have installed), then select Xvid and press Ok and save. Then the video file will be saved as avi with xvid compression.
      Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


      • #4
        thank @ analcobra and also @ kinlaadare!
        i think i will get VirtualDub...
        My sysProfile!


        • #5
          Originally Posted by Kinlaadare
          I use autoGK, woks well... and it supports Xvid.
          Worth the test
          Amen to AUTOGK, trust me you won't be dissapointed. I use GordianKnot because I like Chroma Motion, but AutoGK is the absolute best for Sigma, and ESS based standalones. It's also the best app for someone new to video compression.

          VirtuaDub by itself can be complicated. If you want to do some more advanced things that I would at least reccomend the GordianKnot frontend. It will help you choose a resolution properly and get the correct output size you want.

          If your really interested in video compression (which I'm a complete fanatic about :oP) check out, or
          Last edited by estimablesir; 10.08.2006, 20:15.


          • #6
            AutoGK is a bit problematic with widescreen DVs (those from camcorders), but the encoding quality is good. A nice alternative is Nero Digital (some even think it's better than XviD) and x264 (this is a new codec which definetely rocks - you should try it also!).
            Hominis est errare, insipientis in errore perseverare


            • #7
              Originally Posted by maciozo
              AutoGK is a bit problematic with widescreen DVs (those from camcorders), but the encoding quality is good. A nice alternative is Nero Digital (some even think it's better than XviD) and x264 (this is a new codec which definetely rocks - you should try it also!).

              Yes, I've gotten some very impressive results from x264. Size to compression ratio is amazing. It's still a bit early for me to adopt it as my full time codec though. It'd be nice if there were some standalones that could play it. I mainly use autogk for backing up my DVD's for playback on my ess standalone.


              • #8
                Virtual Dub is good, it does alot. I made the decsion about a year ago to start converting everything to .divx with the Divx Converter, I paid for it but I am very happy with the results. It also enables me to keep the menus and other features of my DVDs that I rip to the PC.

