I don't know if anyone already knows this "service" but as there no thread related to it i want to present last.fm. Last.fm is a provides a little plugin package for the most common music player and it tracks your played titles to a internet datebase. you can also see your last played songs, toplists and so on. If u are social u can also join or form groups. with last.fm i got to know lots of new bands so if i were you i would give it a try!
there is also a streaming and a journal service integrated in last.fm.
u are also invited to join the Daemon Tools User Group
PS: my nick on last.fm is aWak3N. add my as your friend if u want or post something in my journal / shoutbox
there is also a streaming and a journal service integrated in last.fm.
u are also invited to join the Daemon Tools User Group

PS: my nick on last.fm is aWak3N. add my as your friend if u want or post something in my journal / shoutbox
