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DT Pro

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  • DT Pro

    quite some time ago i made a contribution to DT under the impression that i would get a pro version. over 6 months later and i still am using the same version that non supporters get, wtf. why should people spend their money to support you guys if they get nothing in return. anyone who is considering making a contribution be forewarned you will get nothing in return.

  • #2
    Hi admsjas,

    If this is your opinion I'ld suggest that you ask for a refund of your money.
    On the other hand: You are a customer prior the deadline, which means that you wil get lifetime support including upgrads (if I remember right)... Also you get a better support on troubleshooting... As well as the PRO Version at the time it is finished

    But it is your opinion and decision.



    • #3
      I made my contribution cause i like DT and i use it, DT then said that when DT Pro will release i get it free, and lifetime support, and yes, a better support for troubleshooting.

      Nothing return? Well, itґs only my opinion, but they are working hard to release DT Pro, and updating the actual DT, and they are doing this to the same time.

      Yes, i want DT Pro, but i will wait without say nothing bad about DT Team.
      Mejor morir de pie, que no vivir de rodillas.


      • #4
        Same here, the 15 Bucks are worth it all the time.
        You weak pathetic fool, it's all to easy
        sysProfile (Click me)


        • #5
          Registering Daemon Tools, was OPTIONAL. They didn't require you to pay for it. I'm eager to get my hands on DT Pro just like you are, but the reality is that DT Pro is an extraordinarily complex piece of programming. What do you expect them to do? The team will finish eventually, just be patient. I've been waiting...I think almost 2 years for it, I'm not exactly sure how long and that's how I've been able to remain patient. Try not to count every hour that goes by without daemon tools pro. It will come.


          • #6
            Originally Posted by admsjas
            quite some time ago i made a contribution to DT under the impression that i would get a pro version. over 6 months later and i still am using the same version that non supporters get, wtf. why should people spend their money to support you guys if they get nothing in return. anyone who is considering making a contribution be forewarned you will get nothing in return.
            Your impression was not incorrect, however there was no deadline given for when DT Pro would be released. They are working hard on it, and when it comes out you will get a licensed copy (with lifetime upgrades versus those who buy later and will only get 1 year of upgrades). Just be patient. It will be released when it is done. If you need something in the meantime to make images, just use Alcohol 52% Free Edition. It's free for personal use.

