Sorry people I have not been on the D-tools website for a while. I Recently set up a gaming and emulation forum at:
[Edit]: Url has Changed, Either Check below, or the Next Page for the new link
It even has a section to discuss disc emulation software such as daemon-tools. Same rules apply there as they do here, Make sure you read the rules first. I am also looking for moderators, to moderate posts, when I'm not online, to be a mod you must be able to enforce the rules efficiently. So if you want to be a mod and are interested, drop me a line and pm me via the daemon-tools website, or post a reply on this thread, Look forward to seeing you there.
BTW If you register an new account, activation via email, and the sendmail function via board don't work properly, and are set to off, until I can figure out how to get them to work, so ignore the email.php error
[Edit]: Url has Changed, Either Check below, or the Next Page for the new link

It even has a section to discuss disc emulation software such as daemon-tools. Same rules apply there as they do here, Make sure you read the rules first. I am also looking for moderators, to moderate posts, when I'm not online, to be a mod you must be able to enforce the rules efficiently. So if you want to be a mod and are interested, drop me a line and pm me via the daemon-tools website, or post a reply on this thread, Look forward to seeing you there.
BTW If you register an new account, activation via email, and the sendmail function via board don't work properly, and are set to off, until I can figure out how to get them to work, so ignore the email.php error