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The Godfather - The Game: Bad???

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  • The Godfather - The Game: Bad???

    Hey folks!
    Just a simple question: Shall I buy the game mentioned above or not. It's from EA and those games tend to be released before they are finished (of course not all of 'em).
    Afaik it starts shipping in two days, so please dont vote for the game til u haven't played it (unless u vote for "i will / won't buy it").

    Thx a lot for your cooperation :wink:


    PS: if u want u can post why u like it or why not. or some facts about it...
    Last edited by LooDos; 19.03.2006, 16:02.
    My sysProfile!

  • #2
    Originally Posted by LooDos
    Hey folks!
    Just a simple question: Shall I buy the game mentioned above or not. It's from EA and those games tend to be released before they are finished (of course not all of 'em).
    Afaik it starts shipping in two days, so please dont vote for the game til u haven't played it (unless u vote for "i will / won't buy it").

    Thx a lot for your cooperation :wink:


    PS: if u want u can post why u like it or why not. or some facts about it...
    I would wait since the game was tested.
    My system
    Boycott Starforce!
    Wiederstand ist zwecklos! Ihr Assis werdet miliert!


    • #3
      cannot wait til it was tested, cause i'm a big fan of the movie. so i want to know if i have to buy it next week or not...
      My sysProfile!


      • #4
        Well, I've played it for some hours now... It sometimes crashes for no reason (1ce every 2-3 hours), but apart from that I think it's a very good game!


        • #5
          As LooDos, waiting opinions.
          Iґm want Call of Cthulhu, and of course i "havenґt" money for both of them.
          Really i donґt want to buy all the games that go out, so i have to chose well.
          Mejor morir de pie, que no vivir de rodillas.


          • #6
            The game is just awesome, a friend of mine bought it and gave it to me yesterday since he fried his pc...

            well, I played it yesterday about 8 hours, it's really great. Interrogation, bribes, bombings, real tense shootings, it got everything.

            Only drawback is probably the console graphics and about 200 keys all over your keyboard, but we are used to that from other console ports, aren't we?

            So really, buy that game you won't regret it, especially if you like the godfather in general. I read the book and watched the movies too, and it's really funny to see the story told from a totally different angle.

            Did you ever wonder who put the horse head in the bed? Guess who! It's also your job to execute the traitor who called in ill at the morning when the Don was shot. You also get to beat up the guys from the very beginning of the movie, the guy who comes to the Don asking a favor of him cause his daughter was raped/beaten up (I don't remember atm). So you have to punish those guys.

            I could go on and on, but just... If you liked Mafia and like Godfather you are definately gonna enjoy this game. Buy it!


            • #7
              I will wait before bying it... Oblivion is coming and... I won't ever have time to play both of them (and I have to work )
              So... will wait 3 or 4 month
              Carpe diem


              • #8
                so I'm really not sure (yet) if I'll buy it. but I think I'll give it a try, also because i liked the movies very much. but if the game if crap i will never ever buy another EA Game
                My sysProfile!


                • #9
                  I will wait for Mafia 2


                  • #10
                    I like it. It´s fun!


                    • #11
                      A german test
                      My system
                      Boycott Starforce!
                      Wiederstand ist zwecklos! Ihr Assis werdet miliert!


                      • #12
                        82%?! not that much... but i think i will buy The Godfather tomorrow. lets give it a try!
                        My sysProfile!


                        • #13
                          function to get out of the car?
                          i can get in but i cant get out!
                          can anyone help me?
                          this problem keep stressing me.

                          mfg junkie


                          • #14
                            Originally Posted by Game-Junkie
                            function to get out of the car?
                            i can get in but i cant get out!
                            can anyone help me?
                            this problem keep stressing me.

                            mfg junkie
                            I'd suggest you to read the manual... or, like in the old times, RTFM
                            Carpe diem


                            • #15
                              how bout moving this thread to "OFF TOPIC" Section ...this
                              section is for DT related issues.
                              Guys vote for the threads you read to give
                              the rating system a place to live ^^

