Can i use Deamon tools with Linux.. :?: :?:
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this is an option in the mount command...
You can use it like that (and you need to open a console before)
su (you need root rights do use the mount command)
mount -t iso9660 -o loop name_of_the_file.iso where_you_want_to_mount_it
You can add some options if you want, but this shall be enough.Carpe diem
cedega is NOT like a wine + a "daemon tools" !
cedega is an accelerated wine with more support for directx - it does NOT mount any ISO files with their respective copy protection.
However I would definitely like to have Daemon Tools available for Linux - so I didn't have to swap my CDs so often.
Ned for a Linux version of daemon tools
Originally Posted by UnderheavenTry to name 5 linux-based copy protected CDs
But you're right, there isn't a solution right now.
I understand that Daemon tools is just available for WINDOWS and that there is a shell command available for Linux to mount iso images.
But please understand: The shell command is by far not satisfying. I am very reluctant to work with the shell ( actually I hate it) and I would love to have a DAEMON version available that would allow his me to mount an image more conveniently. (e.g. displaying an icon on the desktop )
So, DAEMON tool folks, do the LINUX users a favour and generate a Linux version of your terrific software. You would really bridge a big, big gap.
You would really hit the market and help many people who consider to switch from WINDOWS to Linux but hesitate to do so because Linux still lacks many beloved tools like yours.
Christian1000Last edited by christian1000; 27.10.2006, 08:24.
I don't understand why people insist on trying to make Linux a gaming platform. It has never been a gaming platform and may very well never BE a gaming platform. If you want to play games, just dual-boot Windows and Linux.
Trust me, Windows won't hurt your computer, and you'll even be able to use Daemon Tools.
Shocking, I know.
@jidea: We ARE proud of this fact, indeed
However, I guess you pointed this to jito463, one of our long
time supporters and valuable forum-member and customer
of DT. But: He is not a DT employee, therefore your answer
is headed to the wrong person
btw, I too think that Linux is ATM not a gaming platform - and
for the very same reasons you already pointed out: its not an
protected area. However, this is not the only "drawback", most
games nowadays depend on a lot of win-only APIs, therefore
first we must convince game-producers to port the games to
linux natively. But of course its not Linux' fault that producers
do not take the extra-work to code alternative code or e.g.
use multi-platform API's (OpenGL e.g.) but rely on other architectures.
I guess its also a matter of efficiency and support. See that nvidia
and ATI nowadays even send engineers of their team to support
game-producers shed some light to the reasons WHY so few games
are ported to Linux. But of course: Those are my 2 cent to the
story only, I could be wrong of course.
ID Software on the other hand showed that high-class games
can run natively under Linux
i knew that jito463 is not a DT employee, but some time i think he is "Docteur honoris causa" of the DT university.(sorry don't know the english term)
I seldom had the opportunity to post, so I'm taking advantage of it to say : "thanks to you i can preserve my cdrom collecting"
For gaming on linux, sadly, you are not wrong, but ...
I HOPE !!! (I know that WE WILL REIGN on the GALAXY !!!)