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Hitman: BloodMoney (US-Version)

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  • #16
    NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Please don't send them to me yet, I haven't finished the game yet!!!

    If the minimum wasn't acceptable it wouldn't be called the minimum.


    • #17
      can anyone help me out?

      im really not understanding what i need to do.

      i havent patched the game.

      can anyone help?


      • #18

        Originally Posted by systemx29
        can anyone help me out?

        im really not understanding what i need to do.

        i havent patched the game.

        can anyone help?
        Please describe what you problem is? What do you want to do with hitman blood money (play without the cd?)? Does it work with the original CD? Do you get any error messages? What have you already tried?
        the modern world:
        net helpmsg 4006


        • #19
          A friend of mine got Hitman Bloodmoney German version. Same problem as for the US version after patch 1.1:

          "Konflikt mit Emulator entdeckt". -> translated "Conflict with emulator detected."


          • #20
            Originally Posted by DomiOh
            A friend of mine got Hitman Bloodmoney German version. Same problem as for the US version after patch 1.1:

            "Konflikt mit Emulator entdeckt". -> translated "Conflict with emulator detected."
            Is that with a mini-image or a full image?

            I don't have any problems running the game after patching to v1.1. Using full image and ASR.


            • #21
              I used a full image


              • #22
                For me it's working too with a full image and ASR 1.2.
                Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


                • #23
                  Wow, I didn't know a new Hitman game was released. Guess I know what I'm getting this Friday (payday).


                  • #24
                    Can somebody post a direct link to ASR 1.2 can't find on DT website


                    • #25
                      No... No direct links...
                      Click Downloads,
                      then 3rd Party Addons for V4-Series
                      then in the section Securom_loader V1.2 - !!NEW VERSION!!

                      curerom @


                      • #26
                        sorry i wasnt very specific.

                        basically,i dont understand at all what i need to do.

                        i got the securom loader but i dont understand this part

                        To run the file directly

                        -r <Path>
                        asr.exe -r C:\Games\Securom\Main.exe

                        what am i supposed to put in.....

                        can someone help me get the game to play,it tells me i need to insert the correct disk.


                        • #27
                          You just need to mount the image which you created of your original CD (Alcohol image with DPM) and start the asr.exe. Now you've to choose the exe file of the game and that's it.
                          The game will be started and should work.
                          You can see this thread for help to all these tools.
                          Heaven Can Wait -- My Band-Page


                          • #28
                            Here's a little batch file I use to get the game working correctly with Securom Loader v1.2:

                            @echo off
                            REM Optional step. Fixes multiple process issues with some games.
                            echo Terminating any rogue process...
                            taskkill /F /IM HitmanBloodMoney.exe
                            REM Mounts game in the virtual drive software of your choice. Use of quotation marks in both cases are essential.
                            echo Mounting Hitman - Blood Money Disc Image...
                            "C:\Program Files\D-Tools\daemon.exe" -mount 0,"E:\Render\CD IMAGES\GAMES\Hitman - Blood Money\HitmanBloodmoney.mds"
                            REM Sets the working directory to the same folder as the executable to avoid problems.
                            cd "D:\Games\Action\Hitman - Blood Money"
                            REM Launches the game using Securom Loader. Working directory was specified, so there's no need to use the full path.
                            REM Again, use of quotation marks is important.
                            echo Launching Hitman - Blood Money...
                            "D:\Games\asr.exe" -r "HitmanBloodMoney.exe"
                            I've inserted a few comments in there that should hopefully be of assistance and guide you through the process. Basically, you need to replace the stuff in quotes with the location of your own executables / game image files, but do not delete the quotation marks themselves.

                            You can then create a shortcut to the Batch File on your desktop and assign it an icon by right clicking on it and choosing "Properties, Change Icon...".



                            • #29
                              Just got around to playing this tonight. Could not get it to function with a full image, using ASR 1.2 or CureROM 2.0.1. I eventually got it to load up and run with a mini-image and CureROM. Then I tried installing the 1.1 patch and couldn't even play from my original, much less the mini-image. So I uninstalled and reinstalled without the patch. Hopefully the next patch will relax things a bit in the CP dept.


                              • #30
                                Is there any difference between EU and US versions? There's only one patch for all versions, so I assume they all use the same protection.
                                For me this version of SecuROM works better than previous versions. The initial disc check is a lot shorter now, only a few seconds.

