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Can u tell me a real release date now...

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  • #31
    what we can (and probably will) do, is to lock access to our
    forums for new users - user must register and wait one week
    before he first can post about DT. This way, most of the
    "I try to drive them nuts" posters will be sieved out - and
    still everyone can register, so noone can complain, they only
    have to wait 7-10 days, so people (hopefully) think twice
    before posting nonsense and risk to lose access at all


    • #32
      That sounds good.


      • #33
        thats sounds like a great idea LocutusofBorg.


        • #34
          good idea, i believe does that


          • #35
            Only thing is with that policy I see lots of people that accutaly need the help but cant get it because of the wait time... so the crasy people win... sorta...


            • #36
              Originally Posted by Hakira
              Only thing is with that policy I see lots of people that accutaly need the help but cant get it because of the wait time... so the crasy people win... sorta...
              Exactly what I had in mind.
              What about the people that needs immediate help with the software?


              • #37
                thats why we have support-email!


                Maybe we also install additional forum (something like "newbie-
                forum" and let every user post to it right from the start -
                but queued. Every post must be first approved by moderator.
                This way, we offer full support and let the crazy people stay


                • #38
                  Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg
                  Maybe we also install additional forum (something like "newbie-
                  forum" and let every user post to it right from the start -
                  but queued. Every post must be first approved by moderator.
                  This way, we offer full support and let the crazy people stay
                  Now thats an idea, you would end up keeping the crazy people at bay while allowing genuine post through. Though that might be a little demanding on you guys trying to keep the crazy people at bay, while answering question/problems.

                  There is one problem with doing that though, you would never get discussions like this... If you think about it you would have probly killed this thread by now if we used that type of control system. As the person that started this thread would have been in that "newbie queue", also as I look around the fourms I find lots of people that thier first post are useful, but they tend not to post again.


                  • #39
                    Originally Posted by Sahasrahla
                    Actually, that's guaranteed to be false very soon :P
                    No, because the day I wrote it on is a specific date, and applies to That one date I wrote it on, regardless of when you read it.

                    Originally Posted by Chocky
                    This is a Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle manifestation. Developers can give us axact date and hour, but cannot say if DT4 will be released at that time, or they can tell "it will be released", but cannot say when.
                    Physics rules.
                    Excellent application of an education.

                    Unfortunately, you lost 90% of the script kiddies in here with the Heisenberg word - at that t point they moved on.

                    Originally Posted by Hakira
                    Only thing is with that policy I see lots of people that accutaly need the help but cant get it because of the wait time... so the crasy people win... sorta...
                    Simple - since the lock is for 7-10 days, and I am pretty sure it is being instituted for the very reason that DT 4 is about to be released, if anyone is just now having problems with DT 3.47, the first obvious answer is to search the forums (b/c 90% of all the errors with 3.47 should have been found by now *and* answered) and the second would be to wait until 4 is released and then to upgrade.

                    I honestly do *not* see a problem with a 7-10 day restriction, as long as the restriction is explained and enforced across the board.

                    EDIT: Added the following
                    Oh, yeah, like Locutus said- support email is also a good thing



                    • #40
                      Originally Posted by johngalt
                      Simple - since the lock is for 7-10 days, and I am pretty sure it is being instituted for the very reason that DT 4 is about to be released, if anyone is just now having problems with DT 3.47, the first obvious answer is to search the forums (b/c 90% of all the errors with 3.47 should have been found by now *and* answered) and the second would be to wait until 4 is released and then to upgrade.

                      I honestly do *not* see a problem with a 7-10 day restriction, as long as the restriction is explained and enforced across the board.
                      Well, have you ever tryed to search the fourm and get something usefull out of what the search returns without going blind searching... I know from experience that looking at a whole mass of treads most of which are titled with little relevence with what is inside and a whole lot mind you of "what is DT v4 release date" threads.

                      and you never know may be what someone finds might help find problems with whats in DT v4 (mind you I doubt this because it sounds like DT v4 is a total rebuild) but hey it could happen.

                      Ya, I know there is a support email but I and I do hope most people use that as a last resort because normaly you get a better resonce from people in the fourms than what you get in reply emails.(again mind you I have never had to email DT support so I base this off past experiences with other companies)


                      • #41
                        Originally Posted by Hakira
                        As the person that started this thread would have been in that "newbie queue", also as I look around the fourms I find lots of people that thier first post are useful, but they tend not to post again.
                        This thread was started by a person who's only reason to
                        register was to rant against us - I see really no good reason
                        to give such users a platform. Beside that, I don't see how
                        our (possible) decisions collide with users that post something
                        usefull - even if they post only once and never again.

                        You would not consider that the original threadstarter posted
                        something usefull or even helpfull for others, would you? :wink:


                        • #42
                          Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg
                          You would not consider that the original threadstarter posted
                          something usefull or even helpfull for others, would you? :wink:
                          Your 100% correct, I dont find what the original thread starter posted anything close to remotly useful.

                          But still this thread has turned into something that might be useful to someone, maybe not right now, as in the fact that your searching for a way to stop people like the original poster but have gotten ideas that I actualy havent ever seen done before for problems with stupid spam people aka the queue system for newbies post... So now we come into a cyclitic error or Catch-22,


                          • #43
                            Why don't you do the following:

                            When someone registers a pop-up window comes out with a short version of the rules of the forum. I'ts not a guarantee that this person will read them, but i'ts better than noting, right? For example, the rules are too long and almost no one will read them, so:

                            1-<<Rule one>>
                            2-<<Rule two>>

                            And so on. Something that catches the eye .
                            It's my way or... ahhh hell, it's my way.


                            • #44
                              on the old portal-system, everyone who included the words
                              "cracks, warez" or even "downloaded" (!) got that message,
                              a little pop-up which told the user to NOT post about such
                              things as they're against the rules.

                              Needless to say that it didn't helped to decrease the number of
                              people we must ban every day. For good reason we didn't in-
                              cluded this script anymore, it was just a nice try - but
                              useless. I consider your idea as good, however, from my ex-
                              perience, it will not take someone away to violate our rules.

                              I think only when we make it harder to get even free daemon-
                              account it might change


                              • #45
                                Abusive morons can we find everywhere in this world, we can't escape them.
                                Last edited by Methadon; 26.10.2005, 18:50.

