I can say it is coming very soon, as it is said on the customer board, but I can't tell more. If you wanna know more, you can make a small donation of the DT price and you'll get it even faster and with more options :P
No announcement yet.
Can u tell me a real release date now...
Dont forget that it has been PLANNED to release, nut noone is sure...
Best Regards,
Alexej Kubarev
Code Expert Nordic
Web: http://www.codexp.net
Hehe.. do it...
Im pretty calm and simply wait until its fully working... even if it will take couple of weeks more...
Best Regards,
Alexej Kubarev
Code Expert Nordic
Web: http://www.codexp.net
Since I'm not running XPx64 just yet, I can wait until a fully functioning release comes.... even if it's next year!
I can't wait 'till midnight on the 31st. These pages are going to be filled with complainers and whiners. (Sorry, being a pesimist about the release, not about the skills of the DT team!)
Just turn the forums off and ban all those wirdows who still cant get it
Should work and save the database from being overloaded
Best Regards,
Alexej Kubarev
Code Expert Nordic
Web: http://www.codexp.net
Canaria - You missed the point of my post entirely and went on to attack me personaly and call me "Spoiled kid" which is typical of most of the replies on this subject. Did you even read my whole post? did you see where it said if it takes them longer to make it then so be it??. I was pointing out that people DO rely on daemon tools ( customer or not ) and to suggest otherwise is just silly. Maybe the moderators should do something about people just blantently attacking people like this when all they are doing is making a valid point in a civilised way. If this is your way of replying to anyone that isnt a customer that even comments on the situation then no wonder you have so many noobs on this forum posting "OMGAWD GIVE ME D-TOOLS".
-edit.Last edited by Yoshio; 29.10.2005, 20:15.
Agree... but hey: all the posts with something like "when is the release" in the subject are going nowhere.. Still dont see the point of 100 posts on this subject..
Best Regards,
Alexej Kubarev
Code Expert Nordic
Web: http://www.codexp.net
Wow. Why can't people just wait? It's not like you'll die if it's days past October, will you? You'll live. Just do something to take up time, like gaming, reading, eating, or get a hobby. Trust me, things goes by faster once you get something good to do.