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Foreign Language : French

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  • #31
    Ok , i have a bad idea, sorry.


    • #32
      Originally Posted by OlivierFromFrance
      A lot of French users have the capability to understand english if they really want too.
      but a lot do not have it !
      so... as there is no french part on this forum, they simply ask their questions on french forums, that seems logical


      • #33
        Listen I voted NO, because I think everyone must speak englisch now: in the German forum are a lot interessing posts but,... I can't read it.(I don't understand it so good).
        I just have luck that I speak Dutch.


        • #34
          Only the number of "yes" will be taken in account so... no real need to vote if you want to say "no"
          Carpe diem


          • #35
            Je trouve qu'un section francais facilite la compréhension pour beaucoup des personnes qui ne parle pas l'anglais.
            I think, that a french section would make it easier for french people to understand the suggestions= less spam!

            Much people learn french instead of english, one example is switzerland
            P.S. : My french is awfull!
            My system
            Boycott Starforce!
            Wiederstand ist zwecklos! Ihr Assis werdet miliert!


            • #36
              Yes you're right. Many people "learn" French, but much more people "speak" English.

              And for the fact that the majority(I mean 90%) of those who post in the german forum, speak and write understandable English, I see no point of having, for start the german forum, and second another french one. As someone said before me, in the german forum there are a lot of interesting posts, and those who are not familiar with German have a bad time understanding what it is said there. The german forum makes this little comunity to divide. Another french forum would be the demise. Respect for those german and french speaking people here, but you got to realise that English is universal, but much more it is wide-spreaded, thing that I can not say about French and German.
              Last edited by kukubau; 07.11.2005, 17:46.
              So, mother goose has been messin' around in your egg salad, huh kid?


              • #37

                I think you exaggerate a little bit. I think that every interesting post in the german section will be posted in the "normal" forum in 24h.
                My system
                Boycott Starforce!
                Wiederstand ist zwecklos! Ihr Assis werdet miliert!

