I would offer me as German translator for Astroburn, too. I assume my other colleagues think the same way.
No announcement yet.
Me too. Of course.
Elfen Lied - unangefochtene Spitze der Animes.
Habt ihr was an der dt. Sprachdatei zu meckern?
Schreibt mir eine PN!
If you've got questions that do not concern to account or hardware incompabilty stuff, you can write me a PM. Otherwise use our forum!
I think we can paste the DT translator list into this thread.
Elfen Lied - unangefochtene Spitze der Animes.
Habt ihr was an der dt. Sprachdatei zu meckern?
Schreibt mir eine PN!
If you've got questions that do not concern to account or hardware incompabilty stuff, you can write me a PM. Otherwise use our forum!
All of our translators are of course welcome to help us with
@Blazkovicz: we will not answer such internal things atm.
This is to keep us protected from expectations and deadlines.
We apologize for this but this is how we handle things from
now on since the DT Pro - delays. Thank you for your under-
To translate Astroburn, we simply use the DTPro Translator tool, and open the "ENU.dll" in Astroburn's "Lang" folder - just like with DTPro.
However, I plan to wait for further instructions from the Daemon Tools team before I start translating this (for example, where to send the translation etc.).Imagination is more important than knowledge. --Albert Einstein
Originally Posted by LocutusofBorg View PostAll of our translators are of course welcome to help us with
@Blazkovicz: we will not answer such internal things atm.
This is to keep us protected from expectations and deadlines.
We apologize for this but this is how we handle things from
now on since the DT Pro - delays. Thank you for your under-
standing享受您的身体 利用您的脑壳
I tried to burn two images with it and both times the CD-RW had reading errors afterwards while "Verify" checkbox is disabled during burning. Well, my CD-RWs are almost my age
but still error detection could be better.
But nevertheless I'll try to find some time for translation in next few days.
Ukrainian Translation
Here is Ukrainian translation for Astroburn 1.0.4Attached Files